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Knowledge of different types of poisons, properties, action, toxicity, fatal dose detection, estimation and treatment are the important topics covered in this department. Students learn about diagnosis of poisoning by specific symptoms and treatment. Along with this legal aspect of practice of medicine such as medical ethics, Rights and duties of Doctor, Medical negligence & Professional Misconduct etc., are covered under Forensic Medicine.
In practical hours the students are trained to do age estimation through X-rays, Identification of different types of stains like Human, Animal&Seminal stains etc.
Also the Department has a museum in which different types of poisons, models of weapons and poisonous snakes are displayed.Dr.R.Jeyanthi. M.D(S)
Associate Professor-HODDr.C.Christal Femi M.D(S)
Assistant Professor
The college is approved by the central council of Indian Medicine and Dept of Ayush, Ministry of Health & family welfare, Govt of India and affliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai.