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S.No | Date | Name | Details |
1 | July 2019, every Saturday for 4 consecutive weeks | Fracture/Dislocation Treatment for Faculty Members | Conducted by Experts |
2 | 17-12-2019 | Pharmacovigilance | Siddha Pharmacovigilance coordinator and his team |
3 | 29-06-2019 | Fracture dislocation Treatment | Experts from outside conducted for Internees and students |
4 | 06-07-2019 | Fracture dislocation Treatment | Experts from outside conducted for Internees and students |
5 | 13-07-2019 | Fracture dislocation Treatment | Experts from outside conducted for Internees and students |
6 | 20-07-2019 | Fracture dislocation Treatment | Experts from outside conducted for Internees and students |
7 | 27-07-2019 | Fracture dislocation Treatment | Experts from outside conducted for Internees and students |
8 | 27-07-2019 | Fracture dislocation Treatment | Experts from outside conducted for Internees and students |
9 | 03-08-2019 | Fracture dislocation Treatment | Experts from outside conducted for Internees and students |
10 | 10-08-2019 | Fracture dislocation Treatment | Experts from outside conducted for Internees and students |
11 | March and April 2020 | Covid Warriors | Webinar and online Training for Covid Warriors |