welcome to ATSVS Siddha Medical College


Date Name Topic
03.10.2024Dr. A.P.R. Evangaline Green, M.D(S)Medical Records and Medical Certificates.
10.10.2024R.S. NikalyaAntioxidant and Immunomodu Lators.
17.10.2024S.R. PriyasriFungal Infection.
24.10.2024S. Sakthi Nithya ShreeBronchial Asthma.
07.11.2024T. KirubanandhiniAutism Spectrum Disorder.
14.11.2024P.A. Majitha SabrinTonsillitis.
21.11.2024K.S. ValuprabhakharanLine of Treatment in paediatrics Dermatological cases in Siddha Medicine.
28.11.2024K.S. ValuprabhakharanContinousis and Books related to Dermatology Discussion.
05.12.2024M. SobanabirundhaWorm Infestation.
12.12.2024A. SrisubithraaPurgative & Laxative.
26.12.2024S. KanchanadeviMumps.
02.01.2025Swathy SaranyaMedical advices for respiratory diseases.
09.01.2025P. KeerthiTraditional Siddha Paediatric covre.
23.01.2025M. Siva PriyaImmuno Boosting food for child covre.
30.01.2025T. DhivyadharshiniCerebral Palsy.
14.02.2025N. DeepaComparitive study of Human Brain and Goat Brain.
21.02.2025M. Siva PriyaEczema.
01.10.2024Dr. Mary MarshelineRights & Privileges of ISM Practitioner ethics & code of coduct.
18.10.2024T. KirubanandhiniInfertility.
25.10.2024P.A. Majitha SabrinPerumbadu
08.11.2024Dr. K.S. VeluprabhakharanImparting My Knowledge in the Field of Siddha.
15.11.2024M. SobanabirundhaPCOS(Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).
22.11.2024A. SrisubithraaAmenorrhea.
29.11.2024S. KanchanadeviGalactogogue.
06.12.2024P. KeerthiFibroadenoma of Breast.
13.12.2024R. Swathy SaranyaTherapeutic Benefits of Siddha Medicine in Cosmetics.
27.12.2024M. Siva PriyaQuality Antenatal Care.
03.01.2025N. DeepaPengalukkana Asanangal.
10.01.2025DhivyadharshiniGynecological Disorders.
06.02.2025AbiramiAntenatal Diagnostic Technique.
13.02.2025A. Arshatha FathimaContraceptive Methods.
20.02.2025B. MadhubalaCauses & Clinical Approach for Amenorraea.