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Paper Publications

S.No Name Topic Journal Name Year
1P. Muthamizh , Guide : Dr.Vimala.CAverting premature grey hair using herbal formulation.2022
2B. Madhubala , Guide : Dr.Merish.M.D(S)Evidences of menarche diet-a scientific perspective.2019
3A.Sri. Subithraa , Guide : Dr.Arun Latha GoldA review on siddha diagnostic and prognostic tools for identification for communicable diseases.2019
4A.Sri. Subithraa , Guide : Dr.Arun Latha GoldA Review on siddha principles and diagnostics.2019
5S. Sakthi Nithya Sree , P.A. Majitha sabrin , Guide : Dr.Mary Marshaline.M.D(S) , Dr.C.Shyfa.M.D(S)Diet, asanas and medicine for the management of polycystic ovarian syndrome.2019
6S. Abirami , Guide : Dr.G.Jebasingh , Dr.C.Christal Femi , Dr.S.Merish , Dr.JeenuEffectiveness of Kalaanthaga Gowri pathangam in the management of Rheumatoid arthritis-Casa series.2019
7S. Abirami , Guide : Dr.S.MerishThe Importance of Millets and Grains in Siddha Dietetics : Oru Pozhuthu and Iru Pozhuthu Unnal.2019
8S. Abirami , Guide : Dr.S.MerishA Systemic review on benefits of traditional amulet in diagnosis and management of modern diseases.2019
9S. Abirami , Guide : Dr.S.MerishRole of siddha medicine in diabetis mellitus.2019
10R. Rasika , Guide : Dr.Santhi.STraditional paediatric instrumets.2020
11U.V. Sivanesh Pranav , M.S. Aasnich Joeson , R. Chellaiyapillai , Guide : Dr.Merish.SKnowledge, Attitude and Practice of Millets among Adult age group A Cross-sectional study, 2023.2020
12S . Aswathi , P. Kavya , S. Sowmiya , Guide : Dr.Santhi.SNithiraiinmai (insomnia)-the silent sleep thief.2020
13M.S. Aasnich Joeson.M.S , Guide : Dr.Venugopal.M.DDilemmas in reporting to pharmacovigilance.2020
14S. Aruna Sri , M. Jeya Kamala , Guide : Dr.S.Merish MD(S)Millets and Thirithoda Samanam : A Siddha key Diet for Longevity and Vitality.2020
15P. Muthamizh , F. Judithroy , Guide : Dr.Joshi MD(S)Siddha path to vitality-fasting for body, mind and sprit.2021
16D. Dhanabalan, Guide : Dr.Merish.M.D(S), Dr.S.T.Mini. MSC, MPhill, PhdSiddha treasure "Raagi porridge" : A review of traditional and scientific evidences.2022
17S.Muthusivaraman, D.Dhanabalan, A.Linto Prathap, Guide : Dr.V.Karthick kumar.M.D(S)Comparative study on ottu noi(Ammai) and chicken pox.2022
18M. Muthulakshmi, Guide : Dr.S.Sunitha.M.D(s)Body constituent based diet in rainy season(Karkalam).2022
19S. Nadirah Fathima, Guide : Dr.Jeyanthi.M.D(S)General medical ethics focusing on patient safety.2022
20Aamina Maryam , Guide : Dr.Sunitha.M.D(S)Prevention and management of PCOS through siddha principles.2022
21P. Asmi Nisha , Guide : Dr.S.Sunitha.M.D(s)Holistic approach of siddha to maintain healthy eye.2022
22P. Asmi Nisha, Guide : Dr.S.Sunitha.M.D(s)The holistic approach of incompatible food combinations.2022
23S. Nadirah Fathima , Guide : Dr.S.Sunitha.M.D(s)Literature review on nutritive porridge-panchamutti kanji for malnutrition.2022
24S. Nadirah Fathima , C. Manju , Guide : Dr.Jeyanthi.M.D(s)Literature review on effects of meditation on physical and mental health.2022
25A. Praveena, Guide : Dr.S.T.Mini.MSC, MPhill, PhdAYUSH Pharmacovigilance : Addressing Challenges in Labeling and dispensing for Enhanced Patient Safety.2022
26P. Muthamizh, Guide : Dr.S.T.Mini.MSC,MPhill,PhdPharmcovigilance and medicine safety containers : Ensuring patients safety.2022
27A. Linto Prathap , Guide : Dr.S.T.Mini.MSC, MPhill,PhdDebunking myths and enhancing awareness : Pharmacovigilance in AYUSH system of medicine.2022
28A. Praveena , Guide : Dr.S.Sunitha.M.D(s)Treatment and management of kalladaippu (Renal stone) through siddha system of treatment medicine.2022
29A. Linto Prathap , S. Anu Malika, P. Muthamizh , A. Praveena , T.G. Sharmi , Guide : Dr.S.T.Mini.MSC,MPhill,PhdPhytochemical Analysis of Parangipattai Choornam : A siddha polyherbal formuation for skin diseases.2022
30P. Muthamizh , Guide : Dr.Vimala.CAverting premature grey hair using herbal formulation.2022
31S. Raja Gowri , Guide : Dr.Vimala.CExploration of hidden scientific evidence behind ancient cultural practices followed during menstruation.2022
32G. Rakshikaa , Guide : Dr.S.Sunitha.M.D(s)Management of post menopausal osteoporosis in lifestyle modification through siddha system of medicine.2022
33S. Muthusivaraman , A. Linto Prathap , Guide : Dr.Vimala.CLiterature review on Therapeutic value and adherence of millets with respect to Perumpozhuthu & Sirupozhuthu.2022
34P. Sabarinathan , Guide : Dr.S.Sunitha.M.D(s)Potential memory enhancers (Nootrophic Drugs) in Siddha system - A Literary review.2022
35S. Muthusivaraman , Guide : Dr.S.Sunitha.M.D(s)Navigating the challenges in AYUSH Pharmacovigilance.2022
36T. Varsini , Guide : Dr.Joshi MD(S)Treatment of kidney stone in siddha aspect.2022
37A. Aamina mariyam , Guide : Dr.Joshi MD(S)Therapeuatic effect of nasiyam in prevention and treatment of sinusitis.2022
38P. Muthamizh , Guide : Dr.Vimala.CAverting premature grey hair using herbal formulation.2022
39S. Anumalika , Guide : Dr.Joshi MD(S)Antenatal care through siddha system.2022
40B. Madhubala , Guide : Dr. A.P.R. Evangaline greenSiddha science behind traditional cradling.2019
41 R. Rasika , V. Swathee , Nandhini shree , Guide : Dr.V. Karthick kumar. , Dr. S. Santhi.S , Dr. A.P.R. Evangaline greenAncient knowledge on oil bathing and it's effectiveness with preventive social measures-literature review.2020
42S. Auna sri , Guide : Dr. S. Santhi , Dr. V. Karthick kumarEffects of pranayamam in respiratory diseases.2020
43Dr. S.T. MiniA study of biosynthesis and characterization of silver nano particles from cassia auriculata.International Journal of research and analytical reviews vol 5/Issue4/Oct-Dec 2018;442-447 Impact factor 4.2362018
44Dr. S.T. MiniInvitro anticanceractivity of whole plant ethanolicextract of evolvulus alsinoides against different cell lines.International Journal of research and analytical reviews vol 6/Issue1/Jan - Mar 2019;80-842019
45Dr. S.T. MiniGas chromtography-Mass spectroscopy analysis of bio active compounds in the whole plant extract evolvulus alsinoides.International Journal of basic and applied research , vol 9/Issue1/november/january 2019;584-593,Impact factor-5.862019
46M. Aadila Hussaini , Guide : Dr.S. Sunitha.M.D(s) , Dr. Merish.M.D(S)Fumigation A boon for siddha system of medicine.2019
47K. Anupriya , A. Arshatha Fathima , Guide : Dr. Tamilselvi.M.D(S)Siddha varmam for treatment of Perarthritis.2019
48A.S. Malavika , R.S. Nikalya , Guide : Dr. Merish.M.D(S)Historical evidence through literature on millets and it's medicinal benefits.2019
49S. Sakthi Nithya Sree , Guide : Dr. Vimala.CAncient knowledge on oil bathing and its effectiveness ancient wisdom and modern solution.2019
50S.R. Priyasri , Guide : Dr. Mary Marshaline.M.D(S) , Dr. C. Shyfa.M.D(S)Diet and nutrition - Essential of Menarche.2019
51Dr. I. Joshi, Dr. A.K. AshaAnti Noeiception, Analgesic and Anti inflammatory activities of karunchoorai chooranam using various animal models.Malaysian journal of science Biochemical analysis of Karunchoorai Chooranam used in the management of psoriasis.2024
52Dr. A.K. Asha, Dr. I. JoshiBiochemical analysis of karrunchooraipattai chooranam used in the management.Toxicology international journal.2024